In this historical novel, which author Joe Giordano
dedicates to his parents, a young Italian named Leonardo Robustelli moves from
his homeland to America, experiencing the challenges of adjusting to a new
country. The story begins in 1905 with the protagonist seeking work but not
finding any in his native Naples, although he does have the opportunity to work
as a shoemaker for Signor Felicio, as his mother Anna wishes. Disinterested in
cobbling, however, Leonardo decides to move to New York, with Signor Gentile
having a place for him to stay in the city. The day her son is to leave for
America, Anna can’t get out of bed, which foreshadows later events in the
novel, with occasional backstory such as Anna learning to read from Dante’s
Divine Comedy.
The book explores class differences aboard the ship Leonardo
takes to New York, where he is quarantined for a few days due to a pinkeye
infection. Giordano also presents a foil to Leonardo named Carlo Mazzi, who is
Don Salvatore’s son, back from the University of Bologna, where he majored in
Roman History, fencing, and, as the story humorously puts it, women. Carlo
developed a love interest in college named Caprice Sacco, although another man
doted upon her, Aldo, the nephew to an Italian Prime Minister’s cabinet
minister. The peninsula nation’s monarch at the time, King Victor Emmanuel III,
is evidently tax-happy, one of the reasons that drives Carlo to leave his
Thus, Carlo, alongside his friend Vincenzo, travels to New
York, where Leonardo finally meets with Signor Gentile, only to experience
disappointment and low-paying labor. The Italian mafia group known as the
Camorra plays part in the narrative, alongside the political corruption at the
time of Tammany Hall and its various officials including Big Jim O’Neill,
himself the scion of immigrants to New York. Ultimately, this is an enjoyable
historical novel that largely demonstrates the author put some thought and
research into his work, although some of the book’s primary themes have been
done before in both literature and cinema. Even so, this reviewer would easily
recommend this novel to fans of historical fiction in general.
Author's Bio:
Joe Giordano was born in Brooklyn. His father and grandparents immigrated to New York from Naples. Joe and his wife, Jane have lived in Greece, Brazil, Belgium and the Netherlands. They now live in Texas with their shih tzu Sophia. Joe's stories have appeared in more than sixty magazines including Bartleby Snopes, The Newfound Journal, and The Summerset Review.