Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5, 2013 - Today's Books

Fairly forgettable first-person book about a female detective who has something to do with the Pennsylvania Dutch and an Amish community, I don't remember since it took a few days to read this on account of my new workspace being put together.

Another forgettable book about a retired demon hunter who gets back in the game.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Notes to Self

Fairly enjoyable young adult novel told from the first person perspective of a junior high school girl who's traumatized by falling from an amusement park ride, with her best friend being in a coma. Was a little confusing at times, particularly the alternation between the fifth and eighth grades for the narrator, but was good nonetheless.

Asperger's Support Group Meeting for January 3, 2013

Asperger's Support Group
Killeen, TX
Right by the Killeen Mall Also we will be in the Game room.
If you have any favorite games bring them with you

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Navigator

A decent adventure combining the titular statue and the history of Thomas Jefferson, Moses, and the Ten Commandments.