Monday, June 5, 2017


This science-fiction novel opens on the planet of Almagest, with each new chapter indicated by a character from whose third-person perspective the novel is narrated, akin to George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire franchise, with a significant number of early chapters indicated BEFORE and AFTER a certain piece of backstory that occurs with Caeli Crys, one of the primary protagonists, the bulk of the other chapters from the perspective of Derek, the only survivor of a spaceship crash that Caeli senses and stresses about when the first chapter commences on her homeworld.

Caeli has a special healing ability that she uses on Derek to help him recover, although it’s too late for his shipmate, whom she cremates in accordance with her tribe’s customs. As Derek heals, a significant chunk of backstory is revealed for Caeli, who was in love with her fellow Novalis tribesman Daniel, marriage even proposed between them, although tragedy separates them, and she finds herself captive of an antagonistic tribe, the Amathi, sent to a foster home along with other Novalis children. Caeli quickly finds work as a healer, and involves himself in a resistance against the government of the dictatorial Marcus.

The first part ends with Caeli following Derek to the titular Horizon in space, which quickly comes under attack, the remainder of the story dedicated to the war and anticipated terrorism, with a bit of a cliffhanger ending and epilogue. Overall, this is an enjoyable sci-fi novel, although it boldly goes where most stories in the genre have gone, given the racial themes and rebellion against unjust government that play significant roles, along with the heavy emphasis upon human interest as opposed to the novel’s scientific aspect. Even so, this reviewer very much has interest in reading its sequel.

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